Thursday 10 March 2011

To My Future Husband- Letter 13

Hello darling,
What an amazing weekend, a time of rich realisations.  C & I spent the entire day on Friday and the better part of Saturday organising and boxing all the goods that have been donated to The Baby House thus far.  It was incredible to see how much we have collected so far, I could barely sleep on Friday night I was so excited for our beautiful vision that is unfolding in front of our very eyes!  This process was not just about a recon, it was about physically touching the produce of our dream and realising the power of compound wealth.  Compound wealth?  You know when you make a little contribution everyday it adds up to something, well, mind blowing!  I am so inspired by the power of community!
A friend was a little anxious to take her girls to a birthday party where she wasn’t sure who she’d know. It turned out that she knew a couple of people she actually hadn’t seen for years and they knew some people in her life and of course they had the party-thrower in common.  This just reminded me that our network is connected to so many networks; and when the day comes that we through huge fundraisers, our guests will realise that they know the same people, they will reunite with long-gone friends and make new ones.  At the centre of this will be The Baby House, the generation that is our focus and responsibility. Together we are very powerful!
We all need other people in our lives, no matter who we are or what we are trying to achieve.  The theme going around and around in my mind and experience lately is how everything we need, want and desire is right here.  It requires courage to see it, forgoing the fear that it’s going to be mundane or not what we want. Or worse, that we daren’t think of ourselves as fabulous enough to realise what we dream.  I went out on a limb today and told a friend something that is obvious to me, but somehow manages to elude him, and I’ve witnessed him search for his genius for years now.  My fear of telling him was so silly, I thought that if I was generous of spirit with him that he’d think I wanted something from him and that I was attempting to flatter him in exchange for a higher opinion of me.  This, as I said was silly, because I was withholding something great that I could see in him due to my own fears around what other people think my motivations might be.  I am a great teacher of a very wise saying: “What you think of me is none of my business.”  And it is so true that what you teach is what you must learn.  This is a good example of fearing one’s power hey?  So we don’t only need other people in our lives, but we need people who are courageous enough to give us back to ourselves.  I would not be where I am in my life if I didn’t have so many people courageously acknowledge what is powerful and true in me enough times for me to start trusting what is powerful and true about me.  By the time we are adults, we have so many shitty beliefs about ourselves and the gift of new and deep relationships is they undo all the shitty things we’ve come to believe. 
I didn’t grow up with a family that gush compliments and encouragement.  Flattery was present but never helpful.  I’m gaining more and more confidence in being generous with my own spirit and trusting myself enough to know that it will be received as flattery by some and life changing to others, but my responsibility is just to say what feels true to me.  I can’t say that I always know exactly what it is that I do or say that has an effect on some one’s life, what I do know is that when I show up honestly and follow that which I feel compelled to be, it has brought more healing than hurt.
I trust that you are exactly where you need to be and that we are journeying toward each other every day that my heart remains open to you.
Sleep tight!
Your wife.

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